Director’s Welcome

Pawnee Public Library

Director’s Welcome

This current variation of the Pawnee Public Library wouldn’t exist without donors: village officials, referendum voters, tax payers, gift givers, time givers, and the trustees who have come and stayed and gone – never getting paid to be here.

Twenty years ago it was operating out of the 1902 jail building.  There was no hot water faucet; now we have five.  That’s a fitting metaphor for the entire operation: we used to have none and now we have five.

I think it’s really true that we’ve always opened the doors on time, and that anyone walking through those doors has been met with a kind word and a sincere effort to help.  We’ve tried to earn what we’ve been given.

Ten years ago the Otto Baum building was very new, and Bowsher Furniture’s looking glasses hadn’t been stepped through.  There’s been some progress.  You could look it up.  I guess we’ve also quit trying to plant ivy.

Please stop by whenever the mood strikes you.  And please always bring your ideas.  Ideas move fast when their time comes.1   Look around this place.

Bennett A. Bess

10 October 2014

Views: 1485